Hear All About It! NEW Resources on EducationCity

That’s exactly why we’re letting you know that we’ve just uploaded lots of exciting new resources to our English and Maths modules.

They’re listed below and all you need to do to find them is type the ID numbers into the Search feature on EducationCity – simple!

Here’s the new content…

Please note, the content listed below is arranged according to the National Curriculum in England.




Lower Key Stage 2

Alley-Oops!: #34684 – Spell words from the Year 3/4 word list.Alley-Oops! English Activity

Caught on the Court: #34732 – Spell homophones and near-homophones.

Pitch Perfect: #34793 – Answer questions by using and punctuating direct speech.

Telling Tales: #34420 – Read a passage. Select appropriate language that will help capture the reader’s interest and imagination.

Tricky Shots: #34687 – Spell words with the /k/ sound spelt ch and /sh/ sound spelt ch.

Upper Key Stage 2

Alligator Alliteration: #34378 – Identify different poetic elements and devices.

Let’s Eat Granny: #32812 – Read and select the sentences that use commas correctly to clarify meaning. 

Look at the Flip Side: #33021 – Read the text and answer questions.

Lost Clause: #32927 – Read a story of modern fiction and demonstrate understanding by answering questions.

Rainforest Report: #34381 – Students expand their knowledge of the typical conventions of factual text types (explanation, instruction, non-chronological report, persuasive text, diary, biography, autobiography, newspaper report and letter), in order to recognise each text type and conventions which help to identify it as such. 


Learn Screens

Lower Key Stage 2

Alien Escapade: #34730 – Understand words by reading them in context.Alien Escapade English Learn Screen

Conjunction Junction: #34728 – Use conjunctions in sentences with more than one clause.

Ender’s Game Show: #34771 – Understand guidelines for adding suffixes -ion and -ian. [-tion, -sion, -ssion, -cian]

Explorer’s Adventure: #34731 – Use possessive apostrophes for singular and plural nouns.

Kraken on with it: #34750 – Explore paragraphs and why we use them.

On the Same Page: #34374 – Understand the importance of asking and answering questions when reading to help improve their understanding of a text.

Using a Dictionary Part 1: #34427 – Use a dictionary to find the definition of words when reading.

Using a Dictionary Part 2: #34428 – Use a dictionary to check the spelling of a word, using the first 2 and 3 letters.

Upper Key Stage 2

Debate Notes: #34789 – Read and understand the letter shown in the local newspaper arguing against keeping the local skate park open. Read each paragraph noting the key points raised, and use those key points to develop an argument for Stig and Rosa to use at their council meeting.

Thesaurus Saw Us: #34729 – Using a thesaurus to find some interesting words.

Using a Dictionary Part 3: #34726 – Look at dictionaries in more depth, with an introduction to the function of specialist dictionaries. Then learn how to use root words, suffixes, prefixes, and the infinitive form of a verb to search a dictionary for a word’s spelling or meaning.

Using a Dictionary Part 4: #34727 – How to check the spelling of a word in a dictionary, using the first 3 or 4 letters of the word.



Key Stage 1Stamp and Grunt English Video

Stamp and Grunt: #12824 – A sing-along to help reinforce words with a CCVCC pattern.





Counting Carnival: #34440 – Add and subtract two single digits, by counting on and back the number of fallen and standing objects on the fairground game.

Lower Key Stage 2

Board to Pieces: #34632 – Compare numbers up to two decimal places.

Card Clash : #34515 – Mentally adding and subtracting with 3-digit numbers and tens.

Card Showdown: #34518 – Mentally adding and subtracting with digit numbers and hundreds.

Desk Assessment: #34496 – Compare the measurements of objects by finding the difference in length.

Lights, Camera, Fraction: #34636 – Solve measure and money problems involving fractions and decimals to two decimal places.

Marathon Effort: #34505 – Compare and calculate durations.Board to Pieces Maths Activity

Mistakes and Ladders: #34512 – Students use knowledge of number and place value to fill in the missing numbers on Sten’s board game.

Multiply Your Cards Right: #34641 – Use the distributive law to multiply 2-digit numbers by one digit.

Relax and Reflect: #34818 – Create the reflection of a simple shape in a mirror line.

Rhythm and Blueprints: #34535 – Calculate the area by counting the squares of a section of a rectangular shape, or multiplying the length and width.

The Divisible Man: #33196 – Divide one- and two-digit numbers by 10 and 100, identifying the effects on the place value of individual digits within each number.

The Sands of Time: #34502 – Compare time thinking about hours, minutes and seconds. Read time and use a.m. and p.m. correctly.

The Sea Waved Back: #34521 – Complete multiplication and division calculations, including two-digit numbers and one-digit numbers using mental methods.

Tip of the Iceberg: #34527 – Recognise unit and non-unit fractions displayed on a number line. Fractions with denominators of 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 9, 10 and 12 included.

Upper Key Stage 2

Best Laid Plans: #34623 – Calculate the area of parallelograms and triangles.

Combined Harvesters: #34670 – Interpret the worded problems, creating equations to represent them.

Divisible Me: #33197 – Multiply and divide numbers by 10, 100 and 1,000, identifying the effects on the place value of individual digits within each number. Answers contain decimals with up to 3 decimal places.

Keep It Simple: #34651 – Use common factors to write fractions in simplest form.

Mean Beans: #34673 – Calculate and interpret the mean as an average.

Nature Calls: #34648 – Practise multiplication with one-digit numbers with up to two decimal places by whole numbers.

Return of the Quack: #34626 – Enter the coordinates of a point on a grid in all four quadrants.

Substitute Players: #34679 – Substitute values into a term-to-term rule to generate the numbers in a linear sequence.

Time for Plan B: #34819 – Calculate the volume of cubes and cuboids, converting cm to m where needed. Calculations include decimals with 1 decimal place.

Time to Party: #34821 – Fill in the missing numbers to make each expression have the same value.

Under Pressure: #34654 – Find the lowest common multiples of two numbers by finding the prime factors of each number.


Learn Screens

Lower Key Stage 2Big Book of Time Maths Learn Screen

Big Book of Time: #34508 – Explore how many days and months are in a year.

Little Book of Time: #20181 – Learn that there are 24 hours in a day, 60 minutes in an hour and 60 seconds in a minute.

Quiz Show Star: #34524 – Use known multiplication and division facts to identify the missing number in multiplication and division calculations. Includes 2, 3, 4, 5 and 8 multiplication and division facts and written multiplication of a 2- digit number by a 1- digit number.


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