Día numero tres

Breaking news! Fresh from the grapevine..  

My latest work assigned to me here at EducationCity.com has led to new knowledge that –  hard as it may be to believe – teachers all over England have caught the Twitter bug; symptoms include: disreputable behaviour, Twitter withdrawals – leading to irritable and temperamental demeanour warning to all colleagues, the Twitter bug can be highly infectious and unremitting! Not only have EducationCity.com’s daily tweets caught the eye of many teachers, EducationCity.com’s Facebook page is becoming a big hit, with over 800 ‘likes’ and the numbers and continuously growing! 

Día numero tres (day number three) began with an assignment from EducationCity.com’s Producer, Dean – from this I acquired a real taster of cohering to strict deadlines and the consequences of not doing so. So on my third day of working life, I learnt the hard way – Dean singing his very best version of Justin Bieber!!

With Justin Bieber continuously replaying in my head (with no stop/pause button) I carried on through the day, with tasks set by EducationCity.com’s very helpful Quality Control Administrator, Amanda! 🙂 Now I find myself running out of time … as life at EducationCity.com flies by, I’ve learnt that simply 60 is not a sufficient number of minutes to have in an hour!