Parental & Guardian Support
EducationCity strives to support parental engagement, and now more than ever, it’s important that parents and their children have the tools they need to continue learning at home. With a school subscription to EducationCity, students have 24-hour access to learning resources.

Free EducationCity Games for Children
Share EducationCity With Your Child’s School
In the meantime, explore our FREE fun resources below to
engage and entertain your child this summer!

Featured Resource
Home Learning Timetable
Fill out this handy activity sheet to encourage your child to learn at home – it’s a great way to encourage them with doing activities.
Additional FREE Resources
Using EducationCity Remotely With Parents during the School Holidays
Read our blog post on how parents can get the most out of EducationCity during the school holidays.
30 Days Activities Challenge
This activity sheet includes 30 different challenges to do over June, including fun outdoor activities, new skills more.
Online Activities
Explore our interactive online
activities, covering Maths,
English and Science.
Nature Scavenger Hunt Pack
This pack includes a nature hunt that is fantastic to use during the holidays or time off school.
Free Learning
Activity Sheet
Try our activity sheet for parents or teachers to fill out fun tasks and motivate students in learning over the holidays.
Summer Skills Filler Parents Pack
Get started with tips and tricks on making the most out of EducationCity, with this resource pack.
Using EducationCity at Home
Browse through the instructional videos below to gain a better understanding of how
your child’s learning takes place via EducationCity.
With a school subscription, your child
gains access to…
Independent Learning
Learn independently with
teacher-created resources and curriculum-aligned content.
Thousands of Resources
Access thousands of resources
in the core subjects in any year
level to support students’ learning.
Instant feedback
Receive instant feedback and reinforcement to support the development of progress.
Personalised Revision
Access personalised revision
pathways to really target the
areas that need working on.

[EducationCity] has helped with consolidating key skills both at school and at home. Children are able to practice what they have learnt at school at home as well.”
Nasima Ephraim, Leader of Learning, Colvestone Primary School, Hackney