Parts of a Flower Classroom Project

We know that it’s great for students to learn about parts of flowers and plants to improve their understanding of them. That’s why we’ve pulled together a brilliant activity you can do as a class project and also a number of resources from EducationCity to use on the theme that you can use in your lessons.

Firstly, the project we’ve pulled together is to create a flower in groups using different materials. This is a great way to learn about and improve understanding of different parts of flowers. You could use it as a starter project to learning about flowers or when your students have more understanding and they can do it without your help.

To start, all you need to do is gather your class into groups and task them with creating a flower using a variety of materials you provide – the materials can represent different parts of the flower.

Let’s take a look at some ideas for materials you could use for the different parts – some parts of the project will require the use of scissors so adult help may be required.



  • Coloured Card
  • Coloured Paper



  • Pipe Cleaners
  • Paper Straws



  • Bottle Top
  • Rice Pieces



  • Cotton Wool
  • Sponge Pieces


Simply ask your class to create a flower on a large piece of paper by cutting and sticking down the items and then labelling what each part is too – perfect!

Now here’s a range of resources on EducationCity that explore flowers and plants for different age groups and year levels to use in your lessons. To find them, just enter their ID numbers into the Search tool – easy!



Key Stage 1

Pick a Tomato: #1447 – Identify plant parts: roots, stem, leaves, flowers and fruit.

Lower Key Stage 2

Flower Power: #543 – Identify the different parts of a plant.

Upper Key Stage 2

Green Fingers: #574 – Name the parts of the flower and understand the different function of each part.


Learn Screens

Key Stage 1

Pick a Tomato: #12775 – Understanding that all plants have roots, stem, leaves, flowers and fruit.Seeds of Knowledge Science Learn Screen

Seeds of Knowledge: #20711 – Explore key vocabulary used when discussing plants and their basic structure.


Lower Key Stage 2

Flower Power: #12625 – An overview of different parts of plants and what they do to help the plant grow.

Seeds of Knowledge: #20713 – Explore key vocabulary used when discussing plants and their life cycles.

Parts of a Flower: #20710 – Explore key vocabulary used when discussing parts of a flower and their functions.


Upper Key Stage 2

Green Fingers: #12626 – An explanation of the different parts of a flower and what part they have to play in the reproductive cycle of the plant.



Upper Key Stage 2

Word power: #14175 – Look at the words used to describe stages in a flowering plants reproduction. Work with a partner to write a definition of each word.


Topic Tools

Key Stage 1

Plant Parts: #1908 – Identify the parts of a plant: roots, stem, leaves, fruit and flowers.


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