BBC’s Terrific Scientific: Feet (Evolution & Inheritance) Investigation

Well, the BBC are running a set of fantastic, engaging investigations for schools to take part in and explore even more science. They’ve had investigations on trees, forces, time and exercise and now, their next one, which is taking place between October and January, is about feet, as well as evolution and inheritance.

To find out more about the newest investigation, just visit the BBC Terrific Scientific website. For now though, we wanted to let you know about the Key Stage 2 resources we’ve put together that can be used alongside your lessons on the evolution and inheritance aspect of the investigation.

Learn Screens, Activities and ThinkIts are among the resources we have put together below. All the learning and teaching resources are easily found on EducationCity too – just use Search to find them!

Here are your resources to support your lessons on evolution and inheritance…Cycles of Life Science Learn Screen


Key Stage 2

Learn Screens

Reproduction: #25597 – Explore the keywords used when describing both plant and animal reproduction.

Cycles of Life: #14921 – Describing the differences in the life cycles of a mammal, an amphibian, an insect and a bird.

Grow Up: #25591 – Keywords used when describing the stages of human life.

All Changes: #14946 – See the basic changes in the stages of life as humans develop from birth to old age.

Circle of Life Science Activity

Animal Rescue: #12839 – An overview of adaptations of animals living in a range of environments.

Born Identity: #25615 – Explore key words used when describing inheritance.


Circle of Life: #22542 – Compare life cycles of mammals, amphibians, insects and birds.

Inheritance: #1664 – Some characteristics of living things are caused by environmental factors and some are passed from parent to child through genetic inheritance.

Creature Features: #13309 – Consider how animals and plants adapt and are suited to their habitat.


Changing humans: #15031 – In what ways do humans change as they get older?Organisms and Environments Science ThinkIt

Reproduction: #14173 – What would happen if plants and animals didn’t reproduce?

Variation: #13936 – What kind of traits are we born with, and which are learned?

Organisms and environments: #14082 – In what ways do animals adapt to the environment in which they live?

Form and function: #14055 – Look at this duck’s feet. Why do you think they are formed in that way?


Word Search Topic Tool

Along with all these resources, you could also use our Word Search Topic Tool to create a word-finding game for your students, so that they can search for words that are related to your investigation on feet, and evolution and inheritance. Just add the words you want into your word search, print it out for your class and they can do it as a fun activity. Perfect!

Word Search: #20720 – Create a word search with science keywords to print or complete on screen.


Want to see the resources for yourself? Then log in, or if you’d like to try them but your school doesn’t have a subscription, you can sign up to a trial here