Explore EducationCity’s ThinkIts

They are brilliant for challenging students and are a great way to start a lesson. There’s a vast range across all of the subjects we offer – fab!

Wondering how you can incorporate them into your lessons?

Here’s some handy tips on using ThinkIts in the classroom:

  • Lesson Starter: inspire creative thinking for the rest of the lesson by popping a ThinkIt on your whiteboard at the beginning of the lesson.
  • Group/Class Work: put them up on the whiteboard (or use the Print option) to encourage students to work together and build skills.
  • Search for a Specific ThinkIt: simply filter your search if you know there’s a certain ThinkIt you like.


Here’s some maths, English and science ThinkIts you’ll find on EducationCity in KS1 and KS2…

Simply pop the content ID number in the Search tool.



Shape Snap!: #13711 – Recognise the difference between 2-D and 3-D shapes and match some 2-D shapes to their names.


Counting Right Angles: #13673 – Look at the patterns constructed from squares and identify the number of right angles in each.



Capital Words: #19853 – Think of words that always start with a capital letter.


Drawing Conclusions: #14042 – Read the bullet point facts about the city of Athens and write a brief summary of the information, consisting of no more than two sentences.



Changes in a Day: #15019 – How does a day change throughout the year? Talk to a partner about your ideas.


Fridge Magnets: #13835 – What do we use magnets for?

Do you or your students have a favourite ThinkIt? Let us know at @EducationCity, as we’d love to hear your thoughts!

Don’t have EducationCity in your school and would like to explore the ThinkIts? Start your free trial today by calling +44 (0)1572 725080 or using the form.