New Lesson Resources on EducationCity

So, that’s why, today, we’d like to let you know all about the content we’ve recently uploaded to EducationCity.

We’ve new content in the English, Maths and Science modules, including Activities and Learn Screens, and all you need to do to find the content is type in the ID numbers to Search – easy!

Let’s take a look…




Key Stage 1

Park and Read: #32388 – Predict what might happen on the basis of what has been read so far. Identify characters, settings and major events in a story (‘A Day at the Park’).

Noodle Nouns: #28217 – Identify the noun phrase within a sentence and add words to expand the noun phrase, adding description and meaning.

Paws for Effect: #28193 – Create statements, exclamations, commands and questions and see how word order and punctuation can change the sentence form.

Lower Key Stage 2

Winging It: #28079 – Drag the letters to form and spell regular and irregular plural words containing possessive apostrophes.Winging It English Activity

Upper Key Stage 2

Many Activities mentioned here ending in a ‘1’ have a follow-up Activity to go alongside them. For instance, the next Activity for the one below would be ‘Aim High 2’. These initial Activities are perfect for scaffolding and then students can progress into the second Activity.

Aim High 1: #32654 – Learn how to spell words with the endings: –able and –ible.

Game Knight 1: #32770 – Understand that the letter-string ough is used in words to spell a number of different sounds.

Hammer Time 1: #32706 – Learn how to spell words which sound like /ʃəl/, spelt –cial after a vowel letter and –tial after a consonant letter with some exceptions.

Knight Typer: #32703 – Spell the words from the word list.

On Target 1: #32656 – Learn how to spell words with the endings:–ably and –ibly.

One Quoit Knight 1: #32658 – Learn how to spell words with the endings that sound like /ʃəs/, spelt –cious and –tious.

Prefixes Win Prizes: #32704 – Spell words with the prefixes dis-, de-, mis-, re-, over-, il-, sub-, inter-, super-, anti-, auto-

Saddle Up! 1: #32708 – Learn how to spell words with the endings:  -ant, -ent.

Siege the Day: #32702 – Spell words with the following endings: -cious; -tious; -ant, -ent; -ance; -ence; -ancy; -ency; -cial; tial and base words ending in –fer.

Spelling Stallions 1: #32710 – Learn how to spell words with the endings:  –ance, –ancy, –ence, –ency.

Suffixes Win Prizes: #32705 – Spell words with the suffixes -ate, -ify, -ise, -ous, -ing, -ed, -er, -est, -ness, -ful, -less, -ly, -ation, -en.

Words of Prey 1: #32714 – Understand that the long vowel /ee/ sound is spelt ‘ie’ but if it is preceded by ‘c’ it is spelt ‘ei’. Recognise exceptions to the rule.

Learn Screens

Lower Key Stage 2Words in the Wild Learn Screen

Words in the Wild: #32924 – Listen to the sentence. Write the sentence down. Select the answer button to check your writing.

Upper Key Stage 2

The two Learn Screens below include questions within them which are great for making sure students are learning as they’re watching them.

Prefixes Win Prizes: #32652 – Understand guidelines for adding prefixes. Verb Prefixes [for example, dis-, de-, mis-, over-, re-]

Suffixes Win Prizes: #32653 – Understand guidelines for adding suffixes. Converting nouns or adjectives into verbs using suffixes [for example, -ate; -ise; ify].




Key Stage 1

Take It Away: #32380 – Complete subtraction calculations involving one and two-digit numbers up to 20.

Rock Add Roll: #32379 – Add one-digit and two-digit numbers up to 20.

Calculation Station: #32930 – Create number sentences using the inverse laws of addition and subtraction.

Criss Cross: #32385 – Solve the missing shapes in two patterns that crossover.

Need for Bead: #32384 – Complete shape patterns with missing parts to the sequence.

On the Face of It: #32333 – Identify 2-D shapes on the surface of a 3-D shape.

She Sells Seashells: #32332 – Solving problems in context, using pounds and pence.

Lower Key Stage 2

Hold the Line: #32946 – Identify horizontal and vertical lines and pairs of perpendicular and parallel lines.

Pizza the Fraction: #32317 – Order unit fractions and fractions with the same denominator. Compare fractions using <, = and >.

Aisle Pay: #33017 – Complete multiplication calculations involving money.

Emergency Operation: #32309 – Estimate and calculate a selection of addition and subtraction calculations, checking answers using the inverse laws of addition and subtraction.

It’s Aisle Good: #33020 – Solve one-step and two-step word problems involving money.

Measure Mansion: #32156 – Identify, estimate and represent numbers from 0 to 10,000 using number lines and estimate measurements of volume and length.

Pinball Whiz: #32361 – Round numbers with up to 4 digits to the nearest 10, 100 or 1,000.Pinball Whiz Maths Activity

Wheelie Good: #32929 – Identify tenths and hundredths in both visual representations and number form, before converting into decimal fractions, with visual references to place value for support.

Wrecked Angles: #32818 – Identify, compare and order acute and obtuse angles.

Upper Key Stage 2

Robo Riot: #32863 – Answer mental subtraction calculations involving 3, 4, 5 and 6 digit numbers.

Ranger Things: #32316 – Identify the addition or subtraction calculations required to solve the problem and then complete the calculations to find the answer.

A.I. Caramba: #32864 – Answer mental addition and subtraction calculations using 3, 4, 5 and 6 digit numbers.

Button Bashers: #32321 – Using paper to make notes, compare fractions using <, > and = including mixed numbers and improper fractions. Order fractions including mixed numbers, proper and improper fractions.

Negative News: #32617 – Use negative numbers in context. Solve word problems relating to temperature and calculate intervals across zero.

Wheel Addition: #32866 – Add two and three numbers mentally up to six-digit numbers. A pen/pencil and paper may be required to make jottings.

Wheel Calculations: #32870 – Add, subtract, multiply and divide two numbers mentally. A pen/ pencil and paper may be required to make jottings.

Wheel Subtraction: #32867 – Subtract two and three numbers mentally up to six-digit numbers. A pen/pencil and paper may be required to make jottings.

Learn Screens


Swift Shop: #33049 – Explore the different coins and their value.

Lower Key Stage 2

All for One, One Formal: #32955 – An introduction into formal written methods of columnar addition. This Learn Screen does not look at how to carry numbers.

IV the Win: #32823 – To read Roman Numerals up to 1,000.

Maths Crusade: #32959 – An introduction into formal written methods of short multiplication. This Learn Screen does not look at carrying numbers.

Upper Key Stage 2

I Predict a Chariot: #32824 – Read years and numbers up to 1,000 written in Roman Numerals.

Times Crisis: #33029 – Explore the formal written method of long multiplication in stages.

On Your Bike: #32313 – Use and apply the understanding of fractions and place value, to convert decimal fractions into fractions.

Easy as Pie 2: #22444 – Pupils connect their work on angles to the interpretation of pie charts.Louder and Louder Science Activity

Starship Enter Price: #33046 – Calculating money to spend and giving change using British coins and notes.



Learn Screens

Lower Key Stage 2

Iguana Have Fun: #25862 – Explore reptiles, including common characteristics, habitats, diet and their life cycle.

Louder and Louder: #25863 – Manu explains to Meg how sounds travel.  He demonstrates how a sound needs to travel through a medium and what happens in a vacuum. Meg also finds out what happens as you move further away, or closer to a sound source.


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