6 Tips for Teachers Who Tweet!

We love hearing from all you teachers on Twitter. It’s great to hear how you’re getting on and we especially like to see pictures of your students using EducationCity in the classroom! (You can always tweet us @educationcity.)

Twitter is fab to use as a teaching tool and offers some great opportunities for learning in the classroom. Whether you’re new to the tweeting scene or already familiar, we wanted to share 6 teacher tweeting tips with you.

6 Tips for Teachers

Tell Parents: let parents know about your account so they can keep up-to-date with what your class is doing in school.

Sharing: use Twitter to share your classroom adventures, events and classwork with others. Don’t forget to use those hashtags to spread the word!

Hashtags: trending topics and themes are often covered in a few or single words. To get involved, check out the home page on the left hand side, where the latest trends will all be listed or you could type ‘#’ into search.

Did you know some of the most used education hashtags are #EdChat, #EdTech and #Elearning? Make sure you search for these to keep up with the educational world.

Retweeting: retweet things to your followers – this may be a link, tweet, picture of an educational quote, news piece or just something you know your followers will like.

Images: adding an eye-catching image to your tweet can really make it stand out. Images are great to use if you can’t say everything you want in a single tweet – try it out!

Notifications: a great way to get more involved with the Twitter community is to keep track of followers and mentions in your notifications. Good one to keep an eye on!

Have any tips you’d like to share? Tweet us @educationcity, we’d love to hear your thoughts!