Back to School Pack

New Term, New Students!

As it’s nearly the end of the summer holidays, it’s almost time for all students to return back to school! To help you get a great start to the new academic year with your new class, we’ve created a ‘Back to School Pack’ which contains some really handy resources to ensure that you and your class get to know each other smoothly!


Get to Know Your New Class

We’ve created a Student Profile worksheet for students to draw a picture of themselves and tell you what their favourite things are to help you familiarise yourself with them.

Student Profile worksheet (PDF Download)


Name Badges

Learn your students’ names quickly with these badges we have created which can very easily be printed onto normal paper! We have six altogether for you and your students to choose from.

My name is… (Klara)

My name is… (Meg)

My name is… (Chip)

My name is… (Manu)

My name is… (Sten)

My name is… (Stig)


We also have badges which can be printed off onto circular sticky label paper (dimension 37mm)!

My name is… (Klara) (PDF Download)

My name is… (Sten) (PDF Download)


Fantastic Stickers

Reward your pupils with these really fun stickers! They can be printed onto normal paper or circular sticky labels (dimension 37mm)!

Awesome Stuff (PDF Download)

Brilliant Drawing (PDF Download)

Excellent Work (PDF Download)

Great Homework (PDF Download)

Impressive Reading (PDF Download)

Lovely Manners (PDF Download)

Outstanding Performance (PDF Download)

Super Sitting (PDF Download)

Très Bien (PDF Download)

You are a Star (PDF Download)



Print out these certificates for good behaviour or excellent work! Our Back to School Pack certificates are as follows:

Excellent Listening (PDF Download)

Outstanding Achievement (PDF Download)

Most Helpful (PDF Download)

Super Reader (PDF Download)

Plain (PDF Download)


Character Profiles

Ensure that your new students are familiar with the EducationCity characters by reading their very own profiles:

Klara Profile

Meg Profile

Chip Profile

Manu Profile

Sten Profile

Stig Profile


Classroom Rules

Print out this ‘Classroom Rules’ sheet which you can fill in yourself to stick up in your classroom! Alternatively, you could also use it to discuss ideas for classroom rules with your students and then write up the ones you have all agreed on together!

Classroom Rules (PDF Download)


Colouring Worksheets

These colouring worksheets are a great, fun way to engage your students and allow them to learn at the same time! We have created two and they can be simply printed and used in the classroom. One engages students with even and odd numbers and the other with vowels and consonants. Take a look and try them out!

Colouring by Letters

Colouring by Numbers


Over the next week or so, we will be releasing an exciting Back to School competition so keep your eyes wide open for more information!