We have some exciting news for you. We’ve added more content to our newest module, ‘Computing’!
The Computing module covers all aspects of the new Computing programme of study and is divided between the three strands of Computer Science, Information Technology and Digital Literacy.
It already consists of engaging Activities, stimulating Student Tools, interesting Topic Tools, informative Learn Screens and thought-provoking ThinkIts. Through this stimulating variety of content, students can explore new ideas, helping them use computational thinking and creativity to understand the world around them.
What’s more, we’ve now added more content. All of the new Activities listed below come with a full set of peripherals, which includes a Lesson Plan, Teacher Notes, an Activity Sheet and, where applicable, Reference Sheets (found with the Activity Sheet area).
Click here to find out more+
Code Crunch Lesson – Understand and use the REPEAT function within Code Crunch.
- England: Years 3 & 4
- Scotland: First** & First***
- Wales: Years 3 & 4
- Northern Ireland: P4 & P5
Sea Drive – Constructing algorithms for use as programs.
- England: Years 1 & 2
- Scotland: Early*** & First*
- Wales: Years 1 & 2
- Northern Ireland: P2 & P3
Sea Drive – Algorithms executed as programs.
- England: Years 1 & 2
- Scotland: Early*** & First*
- Wales: Years 1 & 2
- Northern Ireland: P2 & P3
Sea Drive – Algorithms executed as programs (extension activity).
- England: Years 1 & 2
- Scotland: Early*** & First*
- Wales: Years 1 & 2
- Northern Ireland: P2 & P3
RoboTask – Detect and correct sequencing errors in an algorithm.
- England: Years 3 & 4
- Scotland: First** & First***
- Wales: Years 3 & 4
- Northern Ireland: P4 & P5
Crane Game – Predict what toy the crane will pick up following simple algorithms.
- England: Years 1 & 2
- Scotland: Early*** & First*
- Wales: Years 1 & 2
- Northern Ireland: P2 & P3
Do the Logomotion – Identify the correct code to match the shape, using LOGO programming.
- England: Years 3 & 4
- Scotland: Early* & First***
- Wales: Years 3 & 4
- Northern Ireland: P4 & P5
To Boldly Logo – Identify the correct shape to match the code, using LOGO programming.
- England: Years 3 & 4
- Scotland: First** & First***
- Wales: Years 3 & 4
- Northern Ireland: P4 & P5
Everyday Algorithms – Understanding algorithms to be precise and unambiguous instructions.
- England: Years 1 & 2
- Scotland: Early*** & First*
- Wales: Years 1 & 2
- Northern Ireland: P2 & P3
No Uncertain Terms – Answer questions about the efficient use of search terms/keywords.
- England: Years 3 – 6
- Scotland: First** & First***
- Wales: Years 3 & 4
- Northern Ireland: P4 & P5
Consequences – The consequences of inappropriate online behaviour.
- England: Years 3 & 4
- Scotland: First** & First***
- Wales: Years 3 & 4
- Northern Ireland: P4 & P5
Consequences – The consequences of inappropriate online behaviour.
- England: Years 5 & 6
- Scotland: Second* & Second**
- Wales: Years 5 & 6
- Northern Ireland: P6 & P7
Click here to find out more+
Charts – Collect, analyse, evaluate and present data in a selection of charts.
- England: Years 3 – 6
- Scotland: First**-Second**
- Wales: Year 3 – 6
- N. Ireland: P4 – P7
Flow Diagram – Designing algorithms using a flow diagram.
- England: Years 1 – 6
- Scotland: Early*** – Second**
- Wales: Years 1 – 5
- N. Ireland: P2 – P7
Want to access EducationCity’s NEW Computing module for FREE until January 2015? Then simply call on 01572 725080 or email sales@educationcity.com to get your FREE access!