Cancer Prevention Week!

Hey there buddies,

Today is the first day of Cancer Prevention Week. It’s a special week, during which the WCRF UK (the World Cancer Research Fund UK), promotes healthy eating and exercise to help everyone understand how important they are in reducing the spread of the disease – to ultimately save lives.

Hey there buddies,

Today is the first day of Cancer Prevention Week. It’s a special week, during which the WCRF UK (the World Cancer Research Fund UK), promotes healthy eating and exercise to help everyone understand how important they are in reducing the spread of the disease – to ultimately save lives.

The WCRF campaign is going on all week – so keep an eye out for it in the news – and culminates in Go Bananas on Fruity Friday, when thousands of people will be raising money by wearing yellow, organising fruity challenges and school fundraising events, as well as taking part in their Invent a Fruit competition! 

To kick of the week, we’d like to know your best/corniest fruit joke.

To give you a starter, here are Klara and Sten’s best:-

Why was the tomato blushing? Because it saw the salad dressing!

What is green and goes to summer camp? A Brussel sprout!

Awwww! Thanks guys! Now it’s over to you! Just reply to THIS blog!