Celebrate European Day of Languages!

Did you know that there are over 6,000 languages spoken in the world? 

mflThat’s what the European Day of Languages (EDL) aims to celebrate, by showing people across Europe how important languages are, and what fun can be had learning them.

26th September marks the Day's 10th anniversary following the decision of the Council of Europe to declare a European Day of Languages to be celebrated on 26th September each year.

Celebrate languages with EducationCity.com

Here are our top suggestions for celebrating with EducationCity.com:

  • Rosa Spanish LunchSing songs in French, German, Spanish and English
  • Learn greetings in a multilingual assembly
  • Play languages games
  • Prepare some poster activities
  • Try out new phrases
  • Create an international wall display with cultural facts
  • Learn some top facts about France, Germany and Spain
  • Organise a treasure hunt around school with clues in French, Spanish or German!
  • Food tasting – try traditional foods from different countries

Download your Languages Project Pack

To help you on your way, EducationCity.com has put together a project pack full of top facts about French, German and Spanish and some top EducationCity.com activity and tool suggestions.

Download your languages project pack now: languages_day_project_pack.zip

Note: If zip files are blocked for download at your school, you can download the files individually here:

Don't have EducationCity.com's MFL and EAL modules?

Call us on 0844 225 3060 today for your free 21 day trial of our French, Spanish, German and Learn English (EAL) modules.