Doing some Infestigations in the Classroom!

Over the past few weeks in the office, we have been getting excited preparing for Science Week which commences on 9th March. Therefore, today we are featuring the fantastic and fun science activity “Infestigation“. It’s all about those creepy crawlies, the woodlice, and their habitat. Through this activity and Learn Screen, you can explore how to plan a fair test or experiment.

Go on, give it a go!

To start, we recommend that you introduce ‘Infestigations’ to your class with the Learn Screen on your interactive whiteboard. You can follow this up with the activity, helping Manu and our new friend Professor Starlight set up an experiment using the rules of a fair test. 

You can find ‘Infestigations' in:

  • England: Year 4, Life Processes and Living Things, Habitats, 4B To decide what evidence to collect and to design a fair test.
  • Scotland: First ***, Materials, Properties and use of substances. SCN 1-15a, through exploring properties and sources of materials, I can choose appropriate materials to solve practical challenges.
  • Wales: Year 4, Interdependence of organisms, The environmental factors that affect what grows and lives in those two environments, e.g. sunlight, water availability, temperature.
  • Northern Ireland: P5, Place, Ways in which people, plants and animals depend on the features and materials in places and how they adapt to their environment.

Have fun and remember you can use ‘Infestigation’ on your interactive whiteboard and track the progress of your class in SuccessTracker!

Do you have any special plans for Science Week in your classroom?