launches brand new ThinkIts is delighted to announce that over 200, yes 200, new ThinkIts have been released this week as a FREE upgrade to all our subscribers!

This is a bonus for schools on many levels as they will now have:

  • ThinkIts at their disposal for Years 5 and 6 for the first time
  • nearly 50 ThinkIts for French
  • over 50 additional ThinkIts for Maths, Literacy and Science across Years 1-4.

For those of you that are new to ThinkIts, this content is designed for pupils to consider independently or in groups, and to then perhaps discuss with guidance. Each ThinkIt consists of two slides: one question slide and one answer slide. The question slide presents a task or puzzle or discussion point. The answer slide suggests what the response could be. This may not always be definitive, as not every question has a single correct answer, but could be a suggestion or example instead.

Fantastic for getting pupils thinking on their feet, ThinkIts are punchy, fun and thought-provoking. They offer teachers a great way to introduce and revise key learning objectives in a lively, natural arena, and pupils love them.

Why not take a look today? Check out our video (above) to see how they can be used to their full as well as our gallery below, which gives you just a snapshot of some of what’s new.

Not already trialing or subscribing to, then email us at or call us on 0844 225 3060 and we can arrange a no-obligation 21-day FREE trial for you!

Please NOTE: This new content is available in all of’s regions, so in Scotland, Wales, Northern Ireland and within our International product.