Hey there buddies,
To brighten up this cold half term, we have two maths puzzles to warm your brains up and test your number skills.
Try Puzzle 1, for odd and even number practice, and Puzzle 2 to challenge your knowledge of prime and square numbers.
All you need to do is solve the number problems in each block. Then move across the puzzle, following the blocks that, for Puzzle 1 contain even numbers, and for Puzzle 2 contain either a prime or square number.
We’ve even left space for you to write in your answers. But watch out, the path may twist and turn, along the way!
Puzzle 1 – Follow the even number trail!
Puzzle 2 – Follow the prime and square number trial!
Done? Simply reply to THIS blog, telling us the puzzle you tackled and the letters of the squares that made up your route. The first person back with a correct answer will get a special mention next week!