Try the content out for yourself by searching the content ID number in the Search bar.
LKS2 Maths Learn Screen
“Fishy Subtraction is a handy Learn Screen showing the move from pictorial place value blocks to abstract digits. Written for Year 3 (building on the Year 2 Double Digit Addition Learn Screen – #35403), this piece of content would also be invaluable for older children who have missed this vital step in their understanding.” Kerry Wilkinson, Assistant Educational Content Developer and former Deputy Headteacher

Fishy Subtraction (#42444): Subtract numbers with up to three digits, exchanging is required to complete the sum. Start from using base 10 blocks, and then show how this can be shown using formal written methods of columnar subtraction.
UKS2 English Learn Screen
“The Old Thatched Cottage is one of our latest comprehension UKS2 Learn Screen tutorials that focuses on reading and discussing a narrative, whilst building on the pupils’ ideas and challenging their views.” Jane Wardle, Educational Content Developer and writer

The Old Thatched Cottage (#42441): Read, discuss and challenge views courteously.
KS1 E-Safety Learn Screen
“Personal Information is aimed at students aged 5-8 and is part of our online safety bundle. It addresses two important safety messages regarding what is safe to share online and why. It helps students to understand what personal information is and why it should not be shared online. Through a fun explore screen of questions, it gently emphasises the idea that we cannot see who we are chatting to online and people may not always be what they seem.” Elizabeth Edmonds, Educational Content Developer and teacher

Personal Information (#42419): Learn the importance of keeping personal information private when online. Understand that when online, people may not always be what they seem.
That’s not all…
Below are some of the Activities that we’ve added in this release. Be sure to take a look!

Little Black Hen (#42171): Recognise repetition and use it to help join in telling the story.
On Cue (#42225): Read sentences.
The Plot Thickens (#42327): Children explore using the senses to describe different settings.

Till We Meet Again (#33024): Solve word problems in pounds and pence, including giving change.
Make it Sew (#42401): Counting on from any number in steps of 50, or 100.
Play Your Carts Right (#41998): Use knowledge of fractions and decimals to help work out a percentage of a whole number.
Well that’s all for now from us. Please do send us photos on Twitter of your students using our top picks to @EducationCity. We’d love to see you using them in class!