As an online resource, employing a significant amount of programmers ourselves, we felt it was vital to support the Hour of Code initiative, which is why this week we sent a team to Brooke Hill Academy, Oakham, a school local to us, to deliver a very unique Hour of Code.
The aim of the visit, like the Hour of Code itself, was to encourage youngsters to get into coding, which will continue to be one of the main growth job areas in the future, and have endless applications across all industries.
During the visit, the three members of the EducationCity team, led by one of our female Content Programmers, Sophie Smith, introduced the Hour of Code, ran a short tutorial using EducationCity’s Code Crunch tool to help the children create their first interactive questionnaire program on the computer and answered students’ questions.
The session, which involved twenty-eight Year 5 and Year 6 pupils, concluded with a quick hello from Klara and celebratory stickers being given out. Certificates of participation were due to be given out at the school’s weekly assembly, where the children will share their experience with their fellow students!