Hot on the heels of the massively popular Science Tests for Year 6 and acting on feedback from you, the teacher, we have broadened our offering of tests.
The tests are short and manageable, designed to fit perfectly within a lessons tight timeframe and feature engaging graphics and in some cases real life photos. They consist of 6 Unit Tests reflecting’s Science Units for Year 5, each with 10 questions covering the following topics:
- Keeping Healthy
- Life Cycles
- Gases Around Us
- Changing State
- Earth, Sun and Moon
- Changing Sounds

Finally, there is a Full Test; a comprehensive mix of 20 unit questions, great for end of year assessment.
As with all tests, the Science Tests support Assessment for Learning. They provide a realistic benchmark for teachers by testing and tracking pupils’ performance and from results obtained, create individualised revision pathways*. With their fun, engaging graphics and familiar characters synonymous with, they are designed to inspire children and bring learning to life.
The Science Tests are now live in England for Year 5. A rollout to all UK regions mapped to regional curricula is coming soon!
If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to contact our team by emailing or calling 0844 225 3060.
* Revision Pathways are offered on the full test only.