Some Resources to Help You Implement Your Anti-Bullying Policy

Learning and talking with students about bullying in class has always helped to make them aware of its seriousness and can help to prevent it. To help schools we’ve put together a series of ideas that you can use in your schools to try and tackle any bullying should it occur.

Recognise Differences

Introducing the topic with a discussion on people and their differences is a good way of getting students talking about any potential bullying. What makes us all different? What would it be like if we were all the same? Making students see we all have differences and that’s what makes us interesting, special and individual can help them be aware that not everyone is the same and we all have different likes and dislikes.

Create an Anti-Bullying Poster

Getting students to help create an anti-bullying poster can help awareness. Getting them to consider all the different types of bullying such as physical or verbal bullying, what they mean and how it'd make you feel if you were the victim of them, will help raise awareness. Discuss what you should do if you witness these types of bullying and create an anti-bullying poster based on your discussion to stick up in school and make people aware of bullying.

Scenario Cards

You could also create a list of scenarios where bullying might take place and ask your class how they would respond to it as an on-looker. For instance, your scenarios could include:

  • Someone said something mean to Beth and took her lunchbox from her. How would you help Beth?
  • Someone pushed Luke over and broke his ruler. How would you help Luke?

Explore Cyberbullying

Talking about cyberbullying with your students can help develop understanding of what it is. Cyberbullying is very important to talk about now with technology all around us. Asking and exploring questions such as how it happens, what to do when it happens and how to prevent it will help students gain understanding of its potential consequences.

To help with your cyberbullying conversations and help students learn more about it, take a look at EducationCity’s ‘Bullying?’ ThinkIt and ‘Cyberbullying’ Learn Screen, which are both great resources.

Bullying? – Cyberbullying

  • England: Year 3 & 4
  • Scotland: First ** & First ***
  • N. Ireland: P4 & P5
  • Wales: Year 4

Cyberbullying – How to respond to cyberbullying

  • England: Year 1-6
  • Scotland: First *-Second **
  • N. Ireland: P2-P7
  • Wales: Year 1-6