Teaching Positive Friendship Skills

Children will naturally be learning social skills as they are growing up, by interacting with their family and friends.

Take a read below, where we’ve put together a few things you can do to help teach your students positive friendship skills.

Books about Friendship

A nice way to explain friendship to children is reading different storybooks. One in particular that we love is Charlotte’s Web (E.B White), which tells the tale of a girl named Fern, who saves her little pig, Wilbur, from danger with the help of a friendly talking spider called Charlotte. This book is not only witty, but tells the true meaning of friendship.

You can find even more right here: https://www.goodreads.com/shelf/show/children-friendship.

Sharing Is Caring

Children of a young age will start interacting with other children when playing with toys. If a child won’t share, it’s likely that they won’t build friendships. Get your students used to sharing, by playing with toys with them and then start to encourage them to share and play with other children. 

Ask Questions

Most children love to have a chatter, and asking good questions is often the entry point for building relationships with other children. Such questions might include:

  • Do you play any sports?
  • What do you like to do after school? Do you go to any after school clubs?
  • What’s your favourite game?
  • What do you have for lunch?

Children may like to practise this, whether it be at the dinner table at home with their parents, or practising by themselves. It’s great for children to master asking questions and listening, because when they are speaking to other children, it gives them the opportunity to share conversations about themselves.

We hoped you enjoyed these friendship ideas. If you have any you’d like to share, then be sure to let us know @EducationCity