Today I love Tuesdays – new module ThinkIts live!

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It’s a fact that Tuesdays are not my favourite day of the week. Today is an exception. For a start, most of you lovely teachers are back (woo-hoo) and secondly we have a brand shiny new module – ThinkIts!

I met up with James L – the creator of ThinkIts – to find out more about this cool new module, here’s what he has to say…ThinkIt - maths problem

“ThinkIts has been designed with the teacher in mind, providing engaging content that can be used at any time during the day.”

ThinkIts is a quick, easy to use resource that keeps children constantly challenged, focusing on ever-topical higher-order thinking skills. Because they focus on thinking skills, rather than prior knowledge, ThinkIts engage all children in creating, analysing or evaluating.

Initially, the content covers Literacy, Maths and Science but we have plans to expand across various topics and subjects from History to Art, providing you with a truly cross-curricular resource!

We think ThinkIts are best used on a whiteboard as an open-ended activity. Here are a few suggestions of how you can use in the classroom:

  • an extension activity to challenge fast finishers
  • when moving from one subject or activity to another
  • morning starters
  • to instantly engage children in thinking and learning after returning from breaks
  • to support the main content focus for a lesson

The best way to find out more is to try for yourself, so go on, give a ThinkIt a go! ThinkIts are currently free to access by all of our UK subscribers and trialists in Year 3.

If you don’t have access to and would like a trial, please contact us on 0844 225 3060 or email and we’ll get you set up!