Your Sneak Peek of EducationCity’s Exciting NEW Features

EducationCity has exciting news! We have been very busy here and have now produced brand new features for the resource which are sure to improve and help your EducationCity experience. Below, we’ve added a few of the new features to give you a little hint of what will be added to the resource in the upcoming weeks!


An exciting, new feature, MySuccess allows students to view their Activity and Test scores.

Add to MyCity From…

Administrators and Teachers will be able to add any piece of content to a MyCity from other features on the resource including Search, the Curriculum Map and SuccessTracker, which will save valuable time when lesson planning.

Curriculum Map Updates

When searching for content in the Curriculum Map, you will now be able to find reference numbers (if this is relevant to your curriculum) beside the objectives, so you can easily find particular objectives within your curriculum.

However, the fantastic features listed here are just the start of a whole array! Be the first to hear about upcoming features – make sure you keep a keen eye on our blog for more information!

Any questions? Feel free to call us on 01572 725080 or email