What Does Your Students’ Learning Style Mean?

Students’ learning style is split into seven areas and these are visual (spatial), aural (auditory-musical), verbal (linguistic), physical (kinesthetic), logical (mathematical), social (interpersonal) and solitary (intrapersonal).

So what’s the difference between each?

1. Visual Learners

Visual leaners prefer to use images and graphics to understand new information and to help them learn. Their learning style works best with mind maps and lots of colour to help understand information.

EducationCity uses bright, engaging graphics and goes through concepts step-by-step with Learn Screens – great for helping students understand a topic!

2. Aural LearnersStudents’ Learning Style - Times Table Song

Auditory learners have a learning style suited to listening and using sound and music.

Most of EducationCity’s Activities use voice-over to explain concepts to help students understand what they need to do.

This is perfect for auditory learners who process information through listening. The Times Tables Songs on EducationCity are perfect for supporting this type of learner!

3. Verbal Learners

Verbal learners prefer using words, both in speech and writing. These type of learners like to express themselves, maybe in creative writing, and like to play on the meaning of words.

On EducationCity, you’ll find a variety of Topic Tools, which are editable and teacher-led, enabling you to edit them for differentiated learning. Why not try a Word Search and challenge your verbal learners to find new words?

4. Physical Learners

Physical learners grasp their learning best through physical representations of concepts. These students have a learning style more suited to being hands-on with tasks.

To help you teach students with this type of learning style, the Activities on EducationCity come with Activity Sheets that can be printed out and used physically by students. There are also a number of Lesson Ideas which include physical tasks – perfect for this type of learner!

5. Logical LearnersLine Graphs

Logical learners can recognise patterns easily and find connections within content. This then helps them group information to help them better understand it.

They may find it useful to see information in graphs. Within EducationCity’s Topic Tools, you’ll find various graphs, which you could use to present data to help these type of learners.

6. Social Learners

These learners have a strong social style and prefer working in groups, so they can share ideas and opinions with others.

Our ThinkIts are perfect for this type of learner! They help inspire creative ways of thinking and challenge students. You could gather your class and show one on your whiteboard or ask students to work in small groups to find the answer.

Our PlayLive games are interactive and can be found in Maths, English, Spanish and French.  Students are encouraged to answer as many questions as they can in 60 seconds. They can play against others in their class or even anyone in the school, so we think your social learners will really enjoy these competitive games!  

7. Solitary Learners

Solitary learners are independent and prefer to work alone.

Our Activities are a brilliant way to follow up a Learn Screen and enable students to work independently to help reinforce the topic being taught.

By understanding the different types of learners, you can gain a better perspective on how to address these learning styles in your lessons and help everyone learn to their full potential.

To gain a better understanding of how EducationCity can give you a helping hand, take a look at our ‘A Day with EducationCity’ infographic, which will take you through how you can use our features in your lesson, to help suit each of your student’s learning styles. Take a look here.

Don’t have EducationCity in your school and would like to take a look at the features mentioned? Start your free trial today by calling +44 (0)1572 725080 or using the Free Trial form.